*更新* A Team 暑期 Band Show 樂不停! 7/8 出場樂隊 – The Young Cats Quartet 介紹

Drummer: Almond Yeung
Guitarist: Vincent Lau
Bassist: Wong Tak-Chung
Keyboard: Rod Chui & Daniel Lo

The Young Cats Quartet video clips:

定期演出時間及地點: 逢星期四及日 尖沙咀赫德道2A號首邦行1樓 Cali Cali


Almond Yeung

作為一個職業鼓手, Almond活躍於香港爵士音樂圈,擁有多年演出經驗,在音樂行業上備受讚同。
曾跟隨澳洲著名鼓手Andrew Gander,香港著名鼓手徐世興先生(Simon)及Anthony Fernandes學習。
己考獲英國倫敦聖三一音樂學院流行鼓8級證書。於2009年代表香港參與台北TISJA國際爵士音樂營。曾於柏斯、青苖等多間琴行任教,亦於多間中小學教授爵士鼓班,經驗豐富。他現時於香港幾個著名的爵士樂廳有固定的演出,香港商業電台也曾邀請Almond及他的樂隊為節目演出并接受訪問。Almond曾多次與香港一些著名樂手同台演出,其中包括著名唱片監制羅尚正先生、名作曲人伍卓賢先生、香港著名低音結他手曾德康先生、名爵士結他手Wilson Lam等,獲得他們一致好評。現積極於教學及演出工作。

Being a professional drummer for over 10 years, Almond has achieved a fair reputation in the industry. He is currently performing in a few but the most well known jazz venues in Hong Kong by the same time featuring as one talented local drummers in radio stations 881 and 903. During his drumming career, he has performed with numerous famous musicians such as Ted Lo, Yin Ng, Tsang Tak Hong, Tommy Ho, Wilson Lame etc. They all quoted with a word “Fine Musicianship”. Recently, Almond play regularly in the cali cali music lounge and Manchester United Bar with his local band, the Young Cats Quartet and the Platter.

黃德聰 Wong Tak-Chung

黃德聰 十五歲自學低音結他,在青少年樂隊比賽中獲得「最佳低音結他手」獎項,其後跟隨香港著名低音結他手曾德康深造,彈奏音樂超過十年,現為全職樂手。他曾經與著名唱片監製羅尚正、爵士樂手Wilson Lam、 Andrew Gander及 Anthony Femandez等音樂人合作。除此之外,亦積極參與不同類型樂隊的演奏,並曾於台灣、香港及北山音樂節演出。

Wong Tak-Chung is currently a young jazz bassist, who has been playing for more than 10 years. Wong studied jazz bass with Tsang Tak-Hong who is one of the most famous and versatile bassists in Hong Kong. In 2007, after Wong was awarded the best bass player in a local youth music competition, he decided to turn his passion for music into a career and finally became a full-time musician. Wong Tak-Chung is very experienced in jazz music performing with different musicians and groups. He has been playing with famous musicians such as Ted Lo, Wilson Lam, Andrew Gander and Anthony Femandez. He is now performing at Cali Cali music lounge (TST), Peel Fresco music lounge, Fringe Club, Manchester United Bar with many groups – The young cats quartet (local jazz band), The RAC Trio (local jazz band), Then you suffer (local blues band), Platter (local pop, jazz singer band), Next Step (local classic rock band). Wong was also performing in the Tai Wan Jazz Festival 2009, Berishan World Music Festival 2011 and Hong Kong Jazz Festival 2011.

Lau Hiu Tung Vincent

Vincent is a young guitar player, playing both electric and acoustic guitar for over 8 years. Major in jazz guitar, play also rock, funk and classical music. Vincent used to study jazz guitar with several famous Hong Kong jazz guitarists in town such as Wilson Lam and Eugune Pao. he has performed with numerous famous musicians such as Ted Lo, Andrew Gander and Anthony Femandez. He is now performing regularly at Cali Cali music lounge (tst), also Peel Fresco music lounge, Fringe Club, Manchester United Bar with his local band, the Young Cats Quartet, and Platter.


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